Source Code


1) A mental disability that mostly affects teenagers and adults.
2) Synonym for cringe.

"He will have to wear a helmet whenever he's in the bus; he has kpop."

"Dude, you play Fortnite? That's so kpop."

by Overstored Milk May 1, 2020

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I hope you step on a Lego brick barefoot

When you wish for someone to be in pure agony.

Guy A: "Rot in the fiery depths of Hell and burn into a crisp!"
Guy B: "I hope you step on a Lego brick barefoot."
Guy A: "You faggot. Don't talk to me ever again."

by Overstored Milk February 25, 2015

channel 69

The porn channel. This is what yo daddy's been watching when you and yo mama ain't home.

Father: That spoiled bitch and little brat aren't home. TIME TO GO SWITCH TO CHANNEL 69!
*hears a loud knock on the door*
Father: Oh damn!

by Overstored Milk October 12, 2014

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Hungry after smoking some weed. It is most likely the stoner will eat junk food.
You're actually not really hungry. It's like you haven't ate something for a long time, let's say a month.

So basically, it's a type of effect after smoking marijuana.

Nathan: I've had some serious munchies last night. I had some chicken, watermelon, burgers, pizza, mashed potatoes, bacon, shrimp, Onions, tomatoes, chili, soup, lettuce, nuts, Arby's, beef stew, burgers, instant noodles, cakes, pastries, biscuits and bread.

Trevor: Food is like a drug, and... you're an addict.

by Overstored Milk July 10, 2014

come meet my cat

To have sex with a female's pussy/vagina.

"Come upstairs so you can come meet my cat! ...If you know what I mean."

by Overstored Milk September 1, 2014

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Not me, YOU. Yeah you. You're the one reading this.

What you're doing right now:

1. Looking at this definition.
2. Sitting on a computer chair.
3. Breathing.
4. Moving a muscle.
5. You're either going to look at another definition, or close this tab.

by Overstored Milk June 20, 2014

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Graphics Nazi

A gamer who judges a video game by its graphics.

Graphics Nazi: zomg d00d gta 3s grafics is sho sitty!!1 dun play it!!!
Guy: Shut up you doofus. Did you really expect HD graphics back in 2001?
-Graphics Nazi leaves the chatroom-
Guy: Well that escalated quickly.

by Overstored Milk September 8, 2014