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Deadness is when you are so tired; either from taking so many sedatives or from just being so fucking tired it's unreal!


Niall P: What's up with you cockmeist, you seem agitated...
Owen L: Nothin', just pure deadness right now, probably need a ciggie.

by Owen Lang & Niall Phillips April 27, 2017

4👍 2👎


When you take a hit or two of a strong psychedelic and you become completely 'Skittled'. Your brain feels as if it is just a pack of skittles nothing is in order and nothing makes sense.

You: Fuckin' hell lad. That shit proper skittled me last night.

Friend: Ikr. Maybe that's what it's like to be a retard?

You: Probably yeah. Never again... fuck that!

by Owen Lang & Niall Phillips June 19, 2017