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pushing shit uphill

In Australian idiom, engaged in a hopeless task.

A: D'you reckon Davo's gonna crack it with that chick?
B: Nah mate. He's pushing shit uphill.

by Ozymoron October 3, 2009

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The sweet-salt secretions that accumulate in the crotch of a woman's underwear when she is aroused.

A: Was she hot?

B: Hot? She was steaming! Her crotch was soaked in knicker-liquor!

by Ozymoron October 2, 2009

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A woman's perineum. A sensitive area between the vagina and the anus that often needs to be cut, in an operation known as an episiotomy, to prevent it tearing during childbirth, and then stitched together again.

Vic Demised: An episiotomy is when the obstetrician makes a cut in the woman's perineum... more commonly known as the chinrest.

by Ozymoron October 3, 2009

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

cry Ralph

To vomit, in Australian idiom.

Derived from the half-strangled gurgling sound which often precedes a sudden, violent vomit.

Davo's gunna be hungover tomorrow. I just heard him cry Ralph.

by Ozymoron October 3, 2009

driving the porcelain bus

Vomiting into a toilet -often violently and for an extended time- whilst holding its rim like a steering wheel.

Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, when asked at a press conference about his recent bout of food poisoning: "Yes, I was driving the porcelain bus half the night."

by Ozymoron October 3, 2009

39πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

chutney puncher

One who takes the "active" role in anal intercourse.

See also: date packer, rally driver

No point trying to seduce him, girlfriend! He's a chutney puncher.

by Ozymoron October 3, 2009


Government of the dumb, for the dumb, by the dumb.

Person: How the hell did George W Bush get elected US President twice?

Person 2: Well, that's what you sometimes get in a dumbocracy.

by Ozymoron October 2, 2009

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