Source Code


1. (adj.) unintentional mispronunciation of the word "drunk" (when used as an adjective, inappropriate for usage as a verb), normally because the inebriated person is unable to correctly pronounce the appropriate word

2. (adj.) intentional mispronunciation of the word "drunk" when used as an adjective because the person saying it, usually a bum, thinks it is humorous

1. As I stumbled into the backseat, I reached for another Milwaukee's Best and said to Roof, "Shi-att, Bainz is so donk!"

2. When I walked through the Pender dancehall doors, Swain greeted me and said, "Man, Lode brought his bottle o' Old Man tonight; he's gonna be so donk."

by P'tainz January 23, 2013

952πŸ‘ 674πŸ‘Ž

Moonzie Kaploonzie

1. An ardent bitch (a fervent bee-otch or bi-atch)

2. A ball

1. "I saw ol' Moonzie Kaploonzie the other day; he was so drunk."

2. "I hope Moonzie Kaploonzie got Henkins to pick up the case."

by P'tainz June 15, 2011

598πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Anglo-Saxon Saxaphone

A meaningless term, normally used by morons, idiots, dimwits and dorks, to refer to Anglo-Saxons, revealing a lack of intelligence and mental creativity in the person who says it. Initially used as a term in the mid to late 1980s by Kempke when his English teacher was discussing Anglo-Saxons, wherefor he turned to Skoudas and said laughingly, "Anglo-Saxon Saxaphone! Anglo-Saxon Saxaphone!"

Kempke, laughing, and with a red face, turned his half-hearted attention away from the teacher to face Skuodas and in a hardly concealed voice, whispered loudly, "Anglo-Saxon saxaphone! Anglo-Saxon saxaphone!"

by P'tainz October 6, 2010

593πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

hoonz bae

1. A middle-aged male who wears red shirts with frontal lettering inside-out; An often strutting middle-aged man wearing informal shirts, usually red-colored, inside out (n., Ger.)

2. A wasp hive on which the wasps are inactive or at rest (n., Ger.)

3. a. A rollicking, partially free-form dance move originated in and primarily performed in small-town western South Dakota (n.); b. Performing a wild, rollicking dance that originated in western South Dakota small towns, probably performed in such location (v., hoonz baes, hoonz baed, hoonz baing)

1. I saw a hoonz bae walking across the court yard, and I swear I almost ran over and kicked him in the nuts.

2. There's a hoonz bae.

3.b. Lonnie got wasted last night and hoonze baed all night long.

by P'tainz April 4, 2011

513πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

rut tut tut

1. Textual sound made by a drummer in a children's book published in early 1970s with interesting psuedo-psychadelic pictures.

2. Short smooth wooden stick or pole, 2.5 to 3 inches in length, approximately a half-inch in diamter, painted in red and black swirl stripes, like the pattern of a common candy-cane, with no particular use.

3. The beginning of a childishly humorous phrase often voiced by young gradeschool-aged children, which procedes "... I found my butt inside of a liberty gut."

Rut tut tut, I found my butt inside of a liberty gut.

by P'tainz January 25, 2013

522πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A term used to desribe someone who is a writer, though more frequently someone who fashions him/herself a writer but really isn't, or is not a very good one; derived from the name Ernest Hemingway, famed American novelist and story writer, but with the "g" removed to give it a colliquial informal feel, suggesting its ironic nature.

Ol' Heminway over there is writing all the time; too bad it's all drivel! That schmuck thinks he's going to be the next great novelist.

by P'tainz October 6, 2010

521πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Acronym for Urban Dictionary is a Fucking Asshole.

UDIAFA is ascribed to the lame-ass Urban Dictionary website by people who have been able to easily submit definitions in the past but for reasons that are never explained, are unable to post a particular definition. This is particularly frustrating when the Urban Dictionary user has had a number of pathetic, senseless or meaningless terms accepted before, but tries 20-25 times to have another term accepted but is unsuccessful, though the term is no more inane than the ones he has had accepted without hassle in the past, and no reason is give by the dumbass website (UDIAFA) why the term has not been accepted.

An Urban Dictionary user tries to post the term:

Oaf, laze-head (n.)

One of Bainz, Byrne, Compton, Horse, Roof or Swain; or an individual resembling one of the aforesaid in character or personality. (n.)

(pl.) bums

Example of usage: "Hell, look at them bums!"

tags: baws, wount, beer, booze, cheap, sleep, milwaukee's best, bainz, byrne

... but the term is never accepted and no reasons are given by the website (UDIAFA) why it's been rejected.

by P'tainz April 4, 2013

443πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž