Nickname for 'Game of Thrones' fans, an HBO show based on the epic fantasy A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin.
I never in the world thought I would ever watch a Game of Thrones episode. But I did... and now I've been hooked for two years. Its like smoking a Middle Earth crackpipe! I'm so addicted to this show... I can now say I am a true Throne-ite!
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Basically, the dumbest of the dumbest. Dumb as dirt.
Loyd is dirt dumb. He dropped his toilet paper roll in the toilet and put it in the microwave to dry it and burned the entire goddamn trailer park down. Dirt dumb.
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A remark used about something that is ongoing, redundant, never changing, redundant and redundant.
Melanie: I hate this job. I hate everyone I work with. They're all backstabbin' cocksuckers. I hate my salary. I can't afford to feed my fish. It's your fault, you dick!
Melanie's boss: You tell me that every time I breathe air.
Zoe: Gosh, I'm sick of this new server here at work.
Waggs: It crashes every time I breathe air. No worries.
Melanie: I hate being sober. I hate getting high all day. I hate you, dick. You raped my dreams and let them die, you fucker. I could have been a dancer, cocksucker.
Melanie's son: Yeah, I know, mom. You tell me every time I breathe air.
Waggs: Dang, how many times are they going to show Empire Strikes Back?
Zoe: Its Spike TV. They show it every time I breathe air. Heck, let's watch it again. No worries.
Melanie: Fuuuuuuuuuck. I hate my spending problem. I hate that I have no money to spend. I hate all this stupid shit I bought. I hate this clutter. I hate being called a fucking horder all the time. I fucking hate you, bitch. Why didn't you get me that abortion?
Melanie's mom: Trust me I would have gotten my abortion if I had the money.
Melanie: Wait... what?? YOUR abortion.
Melanie's mom: Oh dear. Did I say that out loud?
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An emoticon that doesn't resemble emotions of any sort, but erotica... or graphic dirty sex smut.
Here are some examples of filthy eroticons....
( o )( o ) is big breasts.
(O)(O) is big nipple breasts.
(. V .) is bra-covered breasts.
ΓΒ |\__O
/ /ΓΒ ΓΒ \ΓΒ is doggy style.
O{<---O{< is.... um... I have no clue what that is.
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A gamer who most often buys and plays videogames that directly relate to or are derived by or adapted from a film or television show.
Eric: Johhny is a cine-gamer. Every Xbox game he owns is from a movie he's seen.
Dee: Doesn't he play normal games?
Eric: I think somebody told me he likes Pac Man.
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A male who loves the curvy females. One who adores BBW, ample butts, ample breasts, thick hips and thighs.
"These women are whole women, not half women. And its always a party when you're with them." - Johnny Kaufman
Benny is a curvy catcher. He always has been. He always will be. It is twice the thrill touching and holding the large, lovely ladies. It is twice the thrill making love to them. He loves the thick chicks by far.
When he passes a skeletal type on the street he always suggests she should eat a french fry.
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A threat that's explains itself.
Big Brother: I'm gonna eat your cookies, sis. That okay?
Sister: You do and...I'll fucking eat your fucking eyeballs, fucker!
Big Brother: crunch crunch
Sister: If you fucking eat one fucking more I'll castrate your fucking dog with my teeth!
Big Brother: crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch
Sister: I'll fucking MURDER YOU TO DEATH!! FUCKER!!
Big Brother: crunch. crunch crunch crunch crunch. crunch crunch
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