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Abbreviation for "Programmer as a Personality" (wordplay on other programmer related terms such as SaaS).

It is used to refer to a person (often new to programming/been learning for a shorter time) who does not really know programming but just enough to take part in discussions and use things they heard but have no real experience of as arguments to look like they know what they are talking about.

They are usually more bothered with using the "correct" technologies (based on what popular personalities use) and that their developer environment looks good so they can show others and thus look like they know what they are doing to other PaaPs or non-programmers.

- Did you see John's vim-setup? It looks so good.

- Sure but he doesn't know how to program, he is a PaaP.

by PH Berg September 19, 2023

White Knighting

Standing up for someone or some thing, not in order to defend or help, but to make yourself look good.

Typically used by males, who have a rudimentary understanding of feminism and equality topics, using trendy words and expressions aimed to "sound good".

"If you don't know women who have been sexually abused it's because they don't trust you enough to tell you about it."
- Written by a white knight infamous for mistreating women.


Girl is having argument with Boy 1 online, all civil.
Boy 2 interrupts/intervenes:
Boy 2: You are doing exactly what makes women uncomfortable around men.

Boy 1: Why are you White Knighting, bro?

by PH Berg September 29, 2018


Something that is an aphrodisiac, and is deez nutz.

Deez nutz are an aphrodeeznutziac.

by PH Berg October 12, 2023