Facebook is the new Bebo. Most of the people on Facebook are self absorbed attention seekers who like to post as many pictures of themselves as they possibly can. Facebook mainly consists of lyrical captions for duck face pictures and hormonal girls who feel the need to tell the world about their break up from a month long relationship. Some people often mistake Facebook for Twitter and include the hashtag after a dramatic speech of a status. Facebook is the home of drama. Log in to Facebook and you'll question the reason for some people's existence.
*Logs into Facebook*
Girl 1 status: "HATIN NOT BEIN NEXT TO YUU BBY. CRYIN MASEFL TO SLEEP EVRY NITE. night peepz :(:(:((: btw single nd lookin xxx"
Girl 2 status: "Fuck you and all your shit. I'm done."
Girl 3 status: "You're such a head f***!! I HATE BOYS!!"
Girl 4 status: "If happy eva after did exist i wud still be holdin u like dis all those fairy tales r full of shit 1 mor fukin love song ill be sick.. (8)"
Girl 5 status: "HAHAHA cant believe you #shitboysdo #onceacheatalwaysacheat #fuckthis #chicksb4dicks"
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