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Southpark Kim Jong-un

Southpark, or Northpark Kim Jong-un is a short, asian Southpark character, only he's not from Southpark, he's from Northpark. North Korea, more like. *wink*

Here's a picture of him now: h ttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSflrJ5CvKRvhWIYPwnMxlMGqkM6e--zpSgVQ&usqp=CAU
You might want to remove the space in between to see the picture.

Southpark Kim Jong-un......More like North Korea Kim Jong-un!
Ha! A real knee-slapper!

by PORGSSSS October 17, 2023


Me when I switch my battery to best battery life but it goes down 2 hours and 37 minutes

It's just sad.... Oh well.

Wait fuck I lost my charger! FUCK!

by PORGSSSS October 17, 2023

How do you breathe?

YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT NOW, AS YOU READ THIS! It is the action of simply inhaling and exhaling. which you take in oxygen(among other things) and your cells do some shit called cellular respiratory to take that gluten...Wait no, glucose, and make it carbon dioxide, the very thing that will kill us all. Your respiratory system then takes your shitty carbon dioxide and chucks it out of your system, A.K.A. exhaling, because your body knows that carbon dioxide is bad for you, and instead it hates you for paying more attention to your dick than literally any other part of your body. So in response to this, your body, and everyone else's, yeets that carbon dying-oxide into the atmosphere, which is a small contribution to climate change, but still is there. Still haven't taken a breath? Go to Google images and search, "cool images" and then scroll to the bottom, and when you see "Show more?" or "The rest of this may not be what you are searching for. Continue anyway?" and click yes, or whatever button is there for you to continue. Keep doing this until you have to take a breath, no matter how cool or not the images actually are.

Someone: Oh shit, I can't breathe...I'm dying...
Me: If you're talking this much, you are definitely breathing, don't make me tell you how to breathe.
That same someone: How do you-
Me: How do you breathe? Try it now, it should be easier, since now there's nothing blocking your wind pipe, except a gaping hole. But that should work, right? Cause it just lets more air in, so that should make breathing even easier for you, right?
That same now dead someone: .
Me: Ok. Bye!

by PORGSSSS May 10, 2023


Porghub.com is a website where Star Wars fans relieve themselves of stress and, if in the mood, even get kind of excited..... U know what I mean.......

Were you watching Porg?
Yeah, I was on Porghub.com last night. My bed sheets are wet now.

by PORGSSSS May 10, 2023

Steezus Christ

Someone who will shred your sins away, looking extremely sexy for an 13 year old man with a full grown beard and the hole-iness of God himself. Damn, they must be full of holes. My favorite, h ttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/1vgUl9ASXh0

Steezus Christ will shred the shit out of God himself, not just our sins.

by PORGSSSS December 31, 2024

When your parents explain to you what cancer is

We all remember that day when we learned what cancer was, but my parents in particular did excruciatingly well telling me that half of my mom's side of the family had cancer and that they were going to eventually die. In fact, I think she first told us(me and my brother), at the ripe age of 4 and 2, that our grandma had stage 3 breast cancer and was going to die. She didn't even tell us what cancer was, for fuck's sake. And the consequence of that was me going on for another 8 years thinking cancer was instant death and that different parts of your body could get it.... Like, what the fuck? And then turns out my Grandpa had prostate cancer, so that was fun, but not as lethal. Another one of my great-uncles had ball cancer AND lung cancer. I can only pray that I don't share any of their fates, but I think one of the reasons she escaped it was because she went to med school. Definitely not me, so I can only hope.

Mother: Son, your grandma is going to die.
Son, crying: What?! Why??
Mother, in a perfectly calm face like this happens to her all the time: Cancer.

Son, noticing her lack of caring: Fuck you. Goodnight forever.
results of when your parents explain to you what cancer is

by PORGSSSS October 18, 2023

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If america was communist

If America was communist, I do believe that we would be on better terms with Russia, whose allegiance with China we will use to take over the world. Eventually the United States would control the entirety of the Americas, and Russia having total control of Europe and China dominating Asia. All nuclear weapons would be illegal, however, courtesy of the U.S. Then these three countries would have a space race to Mars, and eventually defend ourselves against multiple alien invasions. Each of the species we defeat we learn from and advance our technology, and to the point where we are now able to travel the stars. Sadly, as communism is a form of government frowned upon by many, a resistance is formed that brings communism to its knees, but as a last attempt of justice, the communists nuke the entire planet, destabilizing it enough that Earth actually implodes in a fiery disaster, destroying the entire solar system.

If America was communist.... Oh, imagine!
The fate of our planet is now set... Nothing we can do now can or will change it.

by PORGSSSS October 12, 2023