When you go to Miami University (of Ohio not Florida you fucktards) as an honors student, you sign up for a cluster of 2-3 classes in a topic you kinda choose (you make a list of preferences of clusters over the summer and most likely you won't get the one you want and get a crappy one you don't like and half of the original clusters you choose from get ELIMINATED!), then you are cluster-fucked.
Or when your cluster forces you to take a certain route in your academic career to avoid wasting class space in later semesters (even if you end up not liking the cluster classes or topics you are in) you have been CLUSTER-FUCKED.
You're a Math major in a seminar for chemistry majors? Wow, you got cluster-fucked!
I wanted to take physics classes for my major, but because I was cluster-fucked I have to take chemistry classes instead.
I signed up for one cluster, but I got cluster-fucked into another one I don't like.
Miami is cluster-fucking me.
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