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As Kanye said: "Those who can found in Paris are those who will find the promised land, in which rap is the main music style where the hood can be found in every corner, where KFC can be eaten everyday, where you can stela with no consequences, where no n word shall be said with no meaning, there we can be found, in the bottom of the cotton fields, cleaning houses, or not being free thanks to slavery, there freedom here, where no white man can hurt us like they did, we'll use chinese slaves to serve our needs fucking chinese monks, we bout to hit dat, so we the NIGGERS, we shall rise, to black heaven where we will be the gods."

Who is in Paris? The answer is obvious NIGGAS
Les get some KFC nigga
DeShawn lets get Tyrone bitch ass NIGGA
Kachiga Ma Nigga
Perry the pIGGApus

by PREZA ES PUTO March 16, 2022