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A word used as an adverb and/or adjective to describe a person, place, thing or idea that one considers to be fabulous in every sense of the word, or 'absolutely fabulous' in addition to other adjectives.

I'm all decked out tonight and I feel fabsolutely amazing!

by PURRfection December 16, 2018


A huge pile (in reference to Gomer Pyle) or line of any powder-type of substance that is to be snorted or inhaled using a straw into the nostril.

I've only been doing small lines lately, so I figured I was ready to step it up by snorting a gomer.

by PURRfection December 15, 2018

10👍 6👎


A word used to describe a person who is or acts "bi-polar" or whose mood is completely unpredictable to an extreme level.

My girlfriend's mental diagnosis was so off the charts that they said she wasn't bi-polar - she's tri-polar!

by PURRfection December 15, 2018

13👍 3👎


Acronym for "False Evidence Appearing Real."

FEAR is merely a thought created in the mind, that is blown out of proportion, in other words, it's 'false evidence appearing real.'

by PURRfection January 26, 2019


The acronym for the phrase: "Don't Even kNow I Am Lying."

When I'm in DENIAL, I 'don't even know I am lying' to myself.

by PURRfection January 26, 2019

2👍 1👎


Non-Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks

As a true sports enthusiast, I can't say that I'm interested in NASCAR, because it's basically just a 'non-athletic sport centered around rednecks.'

by PURRfection January 27, 2019

1👍 3👎