Source Code

rican mobile

A type of car that Puerto Ricans drive. It comes in two varieties.

1. A supped up Mitsubishi that is driven for the sole purpose to steal money from stupid white boys.

2. A car with a blue Hundai body, a black Mazda left door, and a white Honda right door and hood. The white is usually primar, but it can be the actual color of the door/hood that was scrapped from the Puetro Rican's brother's junkyard. Under normal circumstances, this car seats 4-5 people, but in the case of the Rican-Mobile, it seats 12-15 grown Ricans in wife beaters with their nieces and nephews in the trunk.

#1: Did you see that phat rican-mobile? It was off the hizzy.

#2: I'm not driving with you in that rican-mobile. For all I know there is no floor.

by Pablo, King of the Spaniards October 20, 2004

54👍 30👎

The Rape

(n) One distinct classification of the human genus. In order to be classified as The Rape, one must possess all of the following qualities:

1) Pwns N00bs
2) Fucks Your Mother
3) Eats Babies

The Rape qualifies as a noun not because it is a person, place, or thing, but an idea. And when you actualize The Rape, it becomes a good idea.

#1) After jimmy pwns0rz the n00bs, he teabags them and goes home to lay a white stripe on your mom's ass while ripping a baby's head off with his two front teeth, thus making him The Rape

#2) Samuel L. Jackson, Chuck Norris, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Crazy Superman, and Grandfather Smurf are all examples of The Rape.

by Pablo, King of the Spaniards August 27, 2006

27👍 17👎


The word high-schoolers use to sound smart while tapping off the bong.

While decapitating John, I defenestrated him with my antidisestablishmentarianism.

by Pablo, King of the Spaniards October 20, 2004

520👍 236👎

Past Nastification

(n.) The state or condition of one who has had sex with one's own grandmother in the 1950s, thus resulting in being one's own grandfather in the present/future. This condition may create genetic abnormalities.

Nibblonian: "It's a genetic abnormality which resulted when you went back in time and performed certain actions which made you your own grandfather."
Fry: "I did do the nasty in the pasty!"
Nibbler: "Verily. And that past nastification is what shields you from the brains. You are the last hope of the universe."
Fry: "So, I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
Nibblonian 1: "Yes. Except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock."

by Pablo, King of the Spaniards March 15, 2007

177👍 31👎

Alex Rodriguez

The most overpaid karate blackbelt in professional baseball today.

Game 6 of the ALCS - hack hack hack...

by Pablo, King of the Spaniards October 23, 2004

603👍 354👎