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One-trick Pablo

One-trick Pablo (noun):

A performer (often a standup comic) who, while funny at first, has become old, tiresome, and appears unable to come up with any new material.

One-trick Pablos generally have highly respected and well recognized early performances published on YouTube, however they lack the creativity to continue their development beyond this initial success.

One-trick Pablos are often still touring, flogging the same dated and boring shit, sometimes packaged slightly differently.

Named after Pablo Francisco - who gained fame from his MadTV and Comedy Central Presents appearance in 2000 - who continues to tour, attract massive crowds to see hacked up versions of his original material interspersed with un-intelligible raves, baby talk and sex humor which leaves most of the fans disappointed (except for the retards).

Hey did you go see that Franscisco guy when he was in town?

Yeah, sure did, he was crap! He did his same old jokes! I guess he's just a One-trick Pablo!

by Pablo Monster July 30, 2010

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