An individual from Canada who may actually be a space alien.
Bob from Toronto seems a little spacey. Any chance he might be a Canadalien ?
When you copy any media and republish it as your own.
Did you like that picture of the eclipse ?
Got it off the web. I'm a good copyographer.
When you're too tired to give shit.
Work leaves me exaustipated. !
A guy who nags you as much or more than your wife nags you.
Don't be a dicknag. I'm henpecked enough already.
The appearance of corn in your poop.
After a nice meal of corn on the cob , I am going to be rich in poo glitter tomorrow.
The conscious decision to choose the less favorable of two choices resulting in greater probability of a bad outcome.
Refusing to vaccinate to protect yourself is cognitive Darwinism at its finest.
There's a big sagging hole in my mattress where Chubbalardo slept last night.