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Dickfucker. Gays who try to connect their poles, while fucking.

Raju is such a laudachod, I saw him and Shyamu fuckkin do penis penis touch while bathing.

by Pajeeetya May 17, 2023


Hindi word, which means a male Prostitute/manslut/manwhore. Playboys fall under this category.

Ayub changes girls faster than his clothes. He's such a randua.

Rakesh got fucked by Tappu Army, he's such a randua.

Abe laude ki, randua hai kya?
(Swear on my dick, are you a Manwhore/Manslut?)

by Pajeeetya May 17, 2023


When a pajeet, crossbreeds with a nigga, the product is called a Pigga.
Pajeet+ Nigga= Pigga
Literally the kinda guy, who thinks
We wuz ArYaNs in Hip Hop manner. Speaks like he has 10 dicks in his mouth.

Rableshwar Jhatu is such a pigga dude. He really things his lolipop is a pussy xD.

by Pajeeetya May 17, 2023

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Bihari slang for a moron.

Dhat Sasure! Said Pinky when Rajesh lasted less than a minute and jizzed on her face.

by Pajeeetya May 17, 2023


A very naughty, fidgity, unstable,hyperactive, rambunctious kid. Always doing volatile movements, destroying things.

Rakesh, your son is a khurkhandi piece of shit man

by Pajeeetya May 17, 2023


Hindi word that means jizz or semen.
Actually muthh is short of Muthhi also, which in a general manner means fist, but since due to naughty pajeet kids, is also synonymous with masturbation and since semen is generally ejaculated on the fist of pajeet kiddos, it is called Muthh.

Ramesh filled his muthh inside Pinky's pussy and fat ass.

by Pajeeetya May 17, 2023


North Indian slang for hillbilly dick lickin moron

Selmon boi is the kinda guy you'd call, Chudbaila

by Pajeeetya May 15, 2023