An unusually warm Fall day; Spring-Fall.
The forecast calls for 77 degrees on this beautiful sfall day.
Annoyed and enjoying at the same time.
I don't know if I'm annoyed by all the frivolous lawsuits, or enjoying seeing Trump lose over and over every day. I guess I'm anjoyed.
Loving the state of being offended. Actively seeking out situations which will lead to self-offense. Taking a non-offensive situation, and finding the tiniest least significant fault to be offended over.
Only someone with offendophilia would think Altered Carbon had an insufficiently diverse cast.
anticlimactic, disappointing. Creating a huge build-up to a fizzle.
I thought that show was great, until they pulled a Lost.
7👍 2👎
Software source code so badly written it is clearly the work of ancient evil. Or cheap overseas labor.
The open source driver delivered by the manufacturer was of codethulhu quality, and had to be rewritten from scratch.
Fat Fuck In Uniform. When you see someone in a normally fit uniformed profession in less than ideal physical condition (police, military, etc.).
"What happened to all the donuts?"
"That FFIU over there ate them ALL."