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When someone goes away for a while and never posts on YouTube until he/she feels like it.

Dude I can't believe that ChrisOptified just Outrfoxed us

by ParryBEN March 19, 2019

3👍 1👎

Sand Creek High School

A retarded high school with horrible teachers, it's located in the United States Colorado springs, teachers don't care for students, that colors give off a gang shit type vibe, and security sucks donkey dick

Dude I heard that Sand Creek High School never teaches their students

by ParryBEN March 23, 2019

2👍 3👎


A lib tard who has 300 subscribers and growing very slowly

Have you watched ChrisOptified, I wouldn't recommend it he's a lib tard

by ParryBEN March 19, 2019


A small YouTuber that's growing slowly but surely.

Fan 1: Once Outrfox becomes big I can say I was the first one here
Fan 2: What if he Outrfoxed us
Fan 1: Then he won't get that big.

by ParryBEN March 19, 2019

Joshing it

When you're playing Table soccer on Plato and either you or a guy named Josh keeps passing it and never let's you have a turn

Christian: shit I missed
Josh: ight cool time for a no turn goal
Josh: *Scores*

by ParryBEN March 19, 2019

5👍 1👎

The Dive

It's when you dive your Penis really hard and fast into either the Booty or the Pussy at full force from the other side of the room.

Jack: what did you do last night.
Christian: Oh I did The Dive with my girlfriend last night.

by ParryBEN March 19, 2019

5👍 2👎

Big dick noise

When someone has a giant penis and their penis makes a screeching noise

Dude did you hear Jerome's Big dick noise

by ParryBEN March 19, 2019

2👍 1👎