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Someone who would rather NOT have everyone on earth get cancer from UV rays, boil to death from global warming, or die from toxic gas left by nukes. This is hard for them to do because people don't seem to care about them.

We showed those environmentalists! Forget the environment! Let it die! Who needs-*Boils to death*

by Party Pooper March 21, 2004

293πŸ‘ 262πŸ‘Ž


A taser is a small handheld device used for shocking. It emits small and relatively harmless amounts of electricity, but still a little painful.

Well, John was being an idiot so I pulled my taser and shocked him.

by Party Pooper August 9, 2004

86πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


A degradatory and inaccurate definition of the Gamecube. Most commonly used by fanboys. Another reason this loose definition makes no sense is because it is impossible for an inanimate object to have a sexual preference.

Xbox fanboy: I hug my Xbox! It's much better than that Gaycube! It's gay, that's why I hate it!

by Party Pooper December 29, 2004

74πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

death penalty

An "eye for an eye" method of criminal punishment in which the criminal is put to death prematurely. There are many different ways of carrying out the death penalty. The earliest were gas chambers, after that they were replaced by firing squads and the electric chair, and today the lethal injection is the most common one.

Random death penalty fact: Utah is the only state that still executes by firing squad.

by Party Pooper May 9, 2005

312πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

humans suck

A commonly used teenage angst phrase.

Angsty teen: OMG, humans suck, but I am one! I must suck! Oh well, time to cut myself while listening to Linkin Park.

by Party Pooper July 12, 2004

47πŸ‘ 163πŸ‘Ž

Shaq Fu

A game that has one of the oddest plots of all time. It's a fighting game starring Shaq, in which on his way to a basketball game he gets pulled into the "second dimension" to save some old dude's son from an evil mummy known as Sett Ra. He fights various evil guys on the way, including a scary evil catwoman, an Arabian prince wielding 2 swords, and an evil voodoo lady. In story mode, you play as only Shaq, who has a fair arsenal of moves at his disposal to defeat Sett's evil minions. There is also a multiplayer mode, where you can play as Shaq as well as the various monsters he smashes.

Shaq Fu is a run-of-the-mill fighting game with an odd plot. Few have heard of it, and almost no one would if it didn't star Shaquille O' Neal.

by Party Pooper December 22, 2004

85πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through the scientific method and concerned with the physical world and its phenomena.

THAT'S what science is. I don't know where you people are getting the idea that it has anything to do with fascism/communism/whatever.

by Party Pooper April 3, 2005

979πŸ‘ 347πŸ‘Ž