When somebody enforces rules that nobody has heard of until now.
In the winte of '62, I moved from the corner of Lake and 30th streets to get in out of the -31 degree cold. I came out of the laundromat that provided a modicum of relief from the wind and cold to catch the Minneapolis City Bus. The driver stopped but said I couldn't use my transfer, because I wasn't being picked up at the CORNER OF 30TH AND LAKE STREET. I paid the fair with a grumble, saying "This sounds like Bus Drivers' rules, 'You Make Them Up As You Drive Along.'" There was some murmuring of agreement from the other passengers. He didn't throw me out into the Minus 31 degree night.
Trying out one cafe after another on Pacific Coast Highway, regardless of its likely reputation.
This is not our original phrase, but perfectly described a favorite repeated activity by my most loved person and me.
Oh, we'll be Diving along the Coast on the Weekend in hopes we can find a new favorite place.