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The Spitfire from the Battle Royale known as Apex Legends is a heavy weapon LMG which is very accurate and dealing very high damage, due to those perks, the weapon requires no fucking skill, and most likely used by level 100 Octanes who rush you with the spitfire, while never letting go of the fire button until they are out of ammo, after hitting you once with a far range eva-8 shot.

"I lost 36rp in Apex Legends ranked because our team was rushed by a gold revtane squad all using Spitfires after them hitting me with a single R-301 shot."

"Spitfire here. Good mid range suppression."

by Patrickknows weast June 30, 2021

2👍 1👎


A word Patrick star made up in spongebob squarepants still airing from 1999

Oh EAST I thought you said WEAST-Patrick star.
Weast what kind of compass are you using-Mr krabs.
This one-Patrick star.
That's west Patrick-Mr krabs.

by Patrickknows weast July 23, 2018

33👍 13👎