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Basque country, its a comunity part of Spain.
Its inhabitated by the basques or as they call itself, "euskaldunes".
They claim to be part of an ancient kingdom formed by the actual Navarra(another community of Spain) and some french lands in the Pirineos.
Some independentist groups formed in the Francisco's Franco dictatorship the terrorist organitation called "ETA" (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, Euskadi and freedom) that has killed nearby a thousand people.
In Basque country there are two official languajes, Spanish(Castellano) and Basque(Euskara).
The principal production in the basque country is the industry, fish and cow meat.

"Some examples of basque:"
"Kaixo, zer moduz?" "hello, how are you?"
"Zein da zure izena?" "What is your name?"

by Patroklo April 23, 2006

78👍 68👎


A person from France.

"Hey, amigo, have you seen this gabacho with sandals and shocks???"

by Patroklo March 20, 2005

154👍 95👎