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While in a motor vehicle, getting the better of someone else in their motor vehicle. Inversely while in your motor vehicle someone else in a motor vehicle gets the better of you.

Voot is a vehicle fuck.

Someone cuts you off and you miss your exit on the highway. You just got vooted. AKA: You just got fucked :)

You manage to grab that last parking space just before the other person gets there. You vooted him.

by Paul Best May 16, 2007

12👍 24👎


While in a motor vehicle, getting the better of someone else in their motor vehicle. Inversely while in your motor vehicle someone else in a motor vehicle gets the better of you.

Voot is a vehicle fuck.

Someone cuts you off and you miss your exit on the highway. You just got vooted. AKA: You just got fucked.

You manage to grab that last parking space just before the other person gets there. You vooted them.

by Paul Best June 4, 2007

1👍 10👎