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A big lover of the disco biscuits.
The only known human who's given himself, a full frontal labottomy.
Once an educated man, until his brain was fried by ecstasy.
Quite often referred to as, BEANsy as opposed to BEAMsy.
Life and soul of the party, yet always the first to crash and burn.

"Binxy boinxy bonxy beamsy"
"Beamsy? Got any beanies?"
"I am the Alabama man"

by Paul Christian Taylor July 30, 2006

10👍 3👎


A born Scouser, but lives in the south, and talks more common then most southerners...
Usually known by many people, due to the ammount of weed he supplies, and of course smokes himself!

"You got any weed mate?"
"Nah, go see Scoose"
"ow is it no nat no nat"

by Paul Christian Taylor July 30, 2006

6👍 9👎


A crazy young man that will do absolutely anything for a laugh. Often known as 'Rambo' for his death defying acts.
Once amazed onlookers when he proceeded to act out, an act of God, by walking on water!
Shortly there after followed by a belly flop!
Smokes far too much weed, and eats ecstasy pills for breakfast! Double helpings.
Will whisper sweet nothings in your ear... and YES... it WILL make you go weak in the knees.

"Did you see that?? He just pulled off a Rammage"

"Nobody's crazy enough to do that, are they?"
"er, yeah... Rammage will!"

by Paul Christian Taylor July 30, 2006

7👍 5👎