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Tri Met

Tri Met is a bus and light rail transit system of the Portland Oregon metro area.

Tri Met is great for getting around inside Portland city limits, but service really sucks in the suburbs of Beaverton, Tigard, Tualatin and Hillsboro. Especially if you have to commute to and from work from places like Portland to a suburb or suburb to suburb.

by Paul Della Valle May 27, 2007

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

El Duce

El Duce was the alcaholic frontman (vocalist/drummer) of the porno metal band the Mentors. His real name is Eldon Hoke and took pride in his beer gut and bathroom sense of humor. It is rumored that he was offered $50,000 by Courtney Love to kill Kurt Cobain. El Duce was known to piss off the late Walley George and appeared on the Jerry Springer show a few months before he was run over by a train in the Las Angeles area back in April 21st 1997.

I personally met El Duce on three occasions.

by Paul Della Valle July 26, 2004

243πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

The Hitler Channel

Sometimes the TLC or the History Channel will have World War 2 marathon weekend or have sizable block of time during the day devoted to WW2. When that happens, there is usually a ton of stuff on Hitler or Hitler related topics. The History Channel then turns into the Hitler Channel.

I was watching the History channel and they had a ton of crap on World War 2 and Adolf Hitler. There times I feel like they should call TLC the Hitler Channel.

by Paul Della Valle November 2, 2004

115πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

The Hitler Channel

Sometimes the THC or the History Channel will have World War 2 marathon weekend or have sizable block of time during the day devoted to WW2. When that happens, there is usually a ton of stuff on Hitler or Hitler related topics. The History Channel then turns into the Hitler Channel.

I was watching the History channel and they had a ton of crap on World War 2 and Adolf Hitler. There times I feel like they should call THC the Hitler Channel.

by Paul Della Valle January 24, 2005

50πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

urine lobbing

To throw a cup, bottle, plastic bag or any type of container that has piss in it at somebody. Urine lobbing is quite popular at soccar games south of the Rio Grande border. Often times poor people in the balcony or upper stands will urine lob at rich people down below. Urine lobbing happens at concerts, sporting events or assholes that have a crowd of people below them.

I saw this freak at a GWAR show up in the balcony, pissing in a cup. He then threw the cup of piss at the crowd below.

by Paul Della Valle August 24, 2004

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Freight Train Riders of America.

Probley to the most mysterious gang and hardest to track in the United States. The FTRA started in Montana during the mid seventies buy a bunch of white racist alcahloic speed freaks in a bar. They are a bunch of train hoppin hobos who move methamphetemines along the rail lines. They have been known to intimidate and kill other train hoppin hobos and homeless people in homeless camps. The FTRA could be responsible for some 50 plus unsolved murders along the rail lines in the United States.

Members of the FTRA have been spotted in all lower 48 states, but operate mainly west of the Mississippi river. Where ever there are railroad tracks members of the FTRA could be or have been there.

The FTRA are some mean motherfuckers. For people who like to hop trains around the country, all I can say is; beware.

by Paul Della Valle September 22, 2004

58πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

reverse gay bashing

To lure a redneck homophobe into a fight. Typically two hetrosexual guys will hold hands with the idea of getting into a fight with a person who hates gays.

Hey dude you feel like walking down the street holding hands? When the first person that walks by and yells "hey faggot", we will kick thier ass. Man talk about reverse gay bashing.

by Paul Della Valle July 13, 2004

34πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž