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Money Slut

These ladies are the filth of society. They search out a partner and the only attribute that is of interest to them is financial. Often seen with gentlemen twice their age, or in large expensive vehicles. They very rarely have children as they are too selfish to look after anyone except themselves. These ladies are the same as whores, except they have to stay with the client until he dies, then claims the money that the client (husband) has left her.

Samuel: Wasn't the funeral sad, I didn't see any tears from the dead mans widow though, I thought it was his daughter until Debbie told me it was his wife.
Mark: Yeah, she's a "Money Slut", she was fucking behind his back for years, I even had a piece of her ass last May. She's loaded now though.

by Paul Fleming July 10, 2006

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Sex Junkie

A person who is addicted to sex. These individuals have no self respect, or respect for their family. They are often females between the age of 18 and 30. Normally these girls are carriers of sexual diseases and are often seen outside chip shops in the North West of England.

Billy: Wow, look at that girl over there, she is lovely but I bet she wouldn't even want to talk to me.
Adam: What??!! Thats Tracey, she is a "Sex Junkie", I heard she once let a whole football team go through her.
Billy: No way!! Her dad would be furious if he found out!!
Adam: If he found out?? What do you mean?? Her dad arranged it, he was the football teams manager!
Billy: Classy family then.

by Paul Fleming September 18, 2006

48πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


This is a word used to describe a person who will risk personal injury and suffering to protect their own beliefs, or to protect another person.

An example of the word "Brave" is a gentleman who has just arrived home to his wife from a night out with lipstick all over him, and stinking of perfume, he then walks over to his wife, slaps her on her ass and says "Whats for dinner then fatty?"
Although some might think this man is out of order, I know no one can question his bravery. A true Hero amoung men.

by Paul Fleming December 16, 2006

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Whored Up

This is another name for a pregnant woman. Often used by intellects and graduates to describe someone who has obviously been involved in a sex act within the last 9 months.

Jenny: Look at the size of her, she looks like a whale.
Sara: Hey, don't be so hard on her, she went to some swingers party a few months ago and got herself "Whored Up" by some guy, she is due in about 4 months.
Jenny: That will teach her. And she still looks like a whale, even if she is "Whored Up".

by Paul Fleming July 13, 2006

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Slut Doctor

These are doctors that help all females give birth. 9 months after a female has whored around, she will be puished with a small creature that will develope into another human. The person who is paid to help remove the creature from the slut is often reffered to as a "Slut Doctor", because his only aim is to help the slut.

Stacey(pregnant): I'm so nervous, when those guys were waitng in line to have sex with me 9 months ago I never thought that i'd end up in hospital, I'm so scared!
Tracey: Don't be scared babe, the "Slut Doctor" knows what he is doing. He will get that creature out of you in no time!
Stacey: I hope so! I look like an elephant.

by Paul Fleming July 13, 2006

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Trampoline Whore

These girls are very, very rare. They will ride on top of their partner for extended periods of time, and will only stop when the male gives her permission to stop. Ironically the word tramp is used in the description of the word.
Normally found on the South coast of England.

William: It was my lucky night last night, I met a cracking blonde and it turned out she was a "Trampoline Whore"!
Gregg: You lucky Bastard, I thought those girls were just a myth, like the boomerang whore or the slut bunny.
William: Well I'm not a liar, she rode me all night and only stopped when I told her To make me a bacon butty.

by Paul Fleming July 10, 2006

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Spaghetti Man

1.) A man who is very thin, tall and bendy, often found on the Northern coast of South America.
2.) A person who is clearly insane and who has been released from a mental home without full tests being done.
3.) An Italian male who is a hit with the ladies due to his diet of spaghetti and olive oil.

Francesca: Mama Mia!! Look at that crazy man with no clothes on, he is making silly noises like a deformed dog, whats wrong with him?
Lisconelli: He is a "spaghetti Man" so don't be mean, he can not help being crazy.
Francesca: I wasn't being mean! You always look for the worst in me Lisconelli, i'm getting sick of it now!
Lisconelli: You are over reacting again. Maybe you are a "Spaghetti Man"!

by Paul Fleming July 30, 2006

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