Source Code

The Everlasting Love Test

When a guy masterbates to see if he still has a crush on someone. Determined if love is still present after he nuts(after all of the sexual drive is gone)

Bro I used The Everlasting Love Test, Iรขย€ย™m in love with her!

by Pause Applause July 21, 2019


A salty white person. Referring to the slang term cracker as a white person.

Bro stop being a saltine

by Pause Applause April 23, 2017

45๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Collin's face

I type of ugliness that blows you away mentally

Man that guy punched you hard. It looks like you have collin's face

by Pause Applause October 7, 2016

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of shaving pubic hair

Bro you shave? Naw I'm not about deforestation

by Pause Applause September 12, 2017