When you have a juicy poop and your butthole burns afterwards. Usually after you eat food that disagrees with your stomach.
Emma, if you eat those tacos your gonna have mad spicy butt later.
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When you have a massive diarrhea but when you wipe you don't get all of the extra poo off your taint therefore causing the taint to stay wet and sweaty leading it to become soggy.
Hector: Emma, can you pass me a roll of toilet paper I had diarrhea.
Emma: Yes but make sure this time you whip really good, your soggy taint started to smell last time.
When you lightly push your anus to see if what is coming is just a fart but then you realize it's actually a poop and the tip of the turd begins to come out just like a turtle sticks its head out of its shell to check its surroundings.
Emma: Damn I thought I just had to fart but when I was turtle heading I stained my underwear.
Emily: I told you not to push that hard, now we have to buy you new undies!
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