A family consisting of Hamish, Hannah, and Harmis. The Lapps are a well known group of sketchy Amish folk within the Amish community who run an underground buttermilk pyramid scheme.
The Lapps: *travel through miles and miles of the vast country side via horse and carriage to continue their shady side business.*
Amish man #1, from afar: *suspicious Amish noises*
Sexual act of debauchery in which someone is completely and utterly defiled in the utmost filthy manner by Top Alpha Harry. Once slotted, theyâre classified as a power bottom.
Ed: âDo I dazzle you?â
Top Alpha Harry: He was begging for the magical D so Harry gave it to him. He gave it to him at vampire speed. Sparkle vampire didnât stand a chance.
Alpha Harry left him limping for a week but the Cullen guy was eternally grateful for his slot. If all went well, heâd soon be pegent.