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Emma Watson

A British, "actress" who tried and fails to play the roll of Hermione Granger in the series Harry Potter.
Known for her radical facial expressions, bra-stuffing, fake-N-Bake tanning and wild gestures as well as her wooden acting. Watson herself said that she auditioned for the roll in Harry Potter, "As a joke." and didn't really expect anything of it. Now that the big bucks are being raked in, I'm sure she's all for it now.
Watson pushed entirely too hard at trying to break away from the Hermione look when that look and sound is what she's being paid for. Watson insists that she has a better fashion sense than Hermione when JK Rowling never made any kind of statement on what Hermione would wear besides her school uniform. And besides, has she looked in the mirror lately? If she calls a trash bag with a designer label "fashinable" Emma Watson must be living in a world all her own.

Person: Oh look, it's that chick from the Harry Potter movies.
FanGurrl: OMG I Lurrrve Emma Watson!!!LOL1
Person: Watson? I thought it was Twatson!

by Peaseblossom85 March 25, 2006

1082πŸ‘ 987πŸ‘Ž

Lara Croft

Lara Croft, played by sexual deviant, Angelina Jolie, is the biggest Mary Sue in movies today, besides Uma Therman in the Kill Bill movies.

Person #1: Did you see that scene where Lara Croft gives the shark an imperiously disdainful look and then punches it in the noes?
Person #2: Yep *bored voice* it was one of her stellar Mary Sue moments.

by Peaseblossom85 July 16, 2006

75πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

Glib Charm Suzie

A Glib Charm Suzie is a girl who acts normal around her girl friends and family but starts laying on the "charm" when a boy comes allong. Like someone with a split personality, a Glib Charm Suzie goes from normal girl to a Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan, hyper-active flirt who is so achingly fake, her friends are embarrassed to be around her. She flips her hair, she sticks out her chest and laughs shrilly at the boy's slightest hint of humor while her friends look on, knowing full well she is acting fake to Paris Hilton Proportions.

Boy: Hey, what's kickin chicken?

Glib Charm Suzie: HAA HAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA HAAAAAA! *squeals & flips hair* Oooooh, you're the funniest person I've ever met!!!! *Hyina laugh* *sticks out chest* So I heard you're going to the Internet Caffe later on? I'll be there to! *waits for him to give her his e-mail adress*

GCS's Friend: (Thinks) holy shit, when does she ever use her e-mail? And what the hell is with the chest thing? I can't believe I've got a huge Glib Charm Suzie as a friend!

Boy: This girl totaly wants me!

by Peaseblossom85 July 20, 2006

24πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Whitney Houston

1) Noun: A woman who was once one of the greatest singers, with one of the best voices of all time. Wife to an abusive bastard, who she doesn't have the sense to leave and doesn't seem to want to get back on her feet. She had the entire world at her fingertips and threw it all away for drugs and a pathetic excuse of a husband who has to hit & verbally abuse women to make himself feel like a "man."
2) Verb: the act of throwing everything away when one once had it all.

That girl had looks, brains (once) and a voice that would make the angels jealous - then she just threw it all away for coke - she pulled a complete Whitney Houston.

by Peaseblossom85 July 17, 2006

434πŸ‘ 151πŸ‘Ž

The Irish Sandwich

Colin Farrell, Cillian Murphy and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. A sandwich most satesfying....
Need I say more?
A twist on The Irish Sandwich is The Irish Sandwich with Canadian Bacon: Colin Farrell, Cillian Murphy, JRM and Hayden Christensen.

There is an extreme shortage of the Irish Sandwich in our world....
That's why the Gods created Fannon!
FanGirl #1 "One Irish Sandwich, coming up -"
FanGirl #2 "Oy! Add a slice of Canadian Bacon, will ya?"

by Peaseblossom85 July 18, 2006

35πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Tom Riddle

A very significant character in the Harry Potter series. Tom Marvolo Riddle was an orphaned half-blood before he became Lord Voldemort, the mortal enemy of Harry Potter. Tom Riddle was born to a muggle, Tom Riddle sr. and a pureblood witch, Merope Gaunt, one of the last-surviving descendants of Salazar Slytherin. Merope had Tom in an orphanage before she died. There, Tom was said to be a "funny baby," very quiet, never cried. he scared the other children but none of the adults seemed to be able to catch Tom and none of the children would talk about the things he did when no adults were around.
Tom Riddle, supposedly, is "incapable of love," has no real friends and uses those around him as stepping stones to get what he wants. He has a crooked sense of right and wrong, cannot stand to have things taken away from him and collects little trophies from his victems. Once in Hogwarts, Tom usually got his little gang of friends to do his dirty work. Being a full-blown sociopath from the tender age of 11, Tom Riddle had no qualms with committing murder to make himself more and more powerful through various methods of the darkest of dark magic. No other wizard in history achieved what Tom Riddle achieved though the darkest of means and maked him nearly impossable to kill.
Despite all of his nastiness, few people knew about Tom Riddle's true, cold, obsessive nature at Hogwarts, being a prefect, head boy and a very well-liked student. Tall for his age, with jet black hair, a pale, strikingly handsome face and a quiet manner, Tom was very well liked at felt sorry for by Hogwarts teachers and other students; the only teacher that kept an "annoyingly close watch" on Tom, was the then Transfiguration teacher, Albus Dumbledore, the only one Voldemort ever feared.

Tom Riddle is that hot guy you thought you knew, but he ends up being the one who killed your best friend and a bunch of other people, simply because he's a sociopath that has no real value on human life.

by Peaseblossom85 July 17, 2006

279πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Anna Wintour

Anna Wintour is a shriveled, little woman who put herself into power of the American Vogue magazine. Known for her severe bob-cut as well as her severe attitude towards anything and everything besides herself, she is the inspiration for the best selling novle, "The Devil Wears Pradda."
Boasting a skelital size zero, Anna Wintour despizes anyone who's over a size 4, doesn't wear 6 inch stilettos or doesn't agree with her skewered sense of fashion/beauty, including, but not limmited to, copious ammounts of furs and animal skins, rediculously high-heeled shoes and starved, shrunken models who look like they've been on a week long cocaine binge.

Person #1: did you see that Anna Wintour woman get pelted with a tofu pie? She deserves it for being such a bitch, don't you think?
Person #2: who the hell is Anna Wintour?

by Peaseblossom85 July 15, 2006

105πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž