1) Where the dejected, bitter Wiki-rejects go to bitch and moan about everyone and everything, just like the enraged Emo kids they love to poke fun at.
2) The place that needs self-promotion by it's own moderators.
ED Person: I do it for the lulz, teehee!
Regular Person: You're probably the saddest bunch of rejects I've ever seen. Go back to encyclopediadramatica.com and wangst over your own stupidity.
ED Person: OMG! STFU, you unfunny and crap and shit!!!111eleventy, Lyke!!!1
Regular Person:....e-elite, my ass. *pukes*
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1) Where the dejected, bitter Wiki-rejects go to bitch anf moan about everyone and everything, completely surpassing the bitching and moaning of the Emo kids they love to poke fun at.
2) The place that needs to be plugged and promoted by it's own moderators.
DE Person: I do it for teh lulz, tee hee!
Regular Person: You're probably the saddest bunch of rejects I've met. Go back to encyclopediadramatica.com, no one cares out here.
ED Person: OMG STFU! You r unfunny and shit and crap!!!11
Regular Person: .... e-elite, my ass...Your Users and some of your Mods have the Internet Disease worse than anyone.
ED Person: OMGWTFBBQ!!!1!!eleventy!
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One of the four founders/houses of Snogwarts, a Mary Sue variant of Hogwarts of the Harry Potter fandom. Suethors usually dreate a Bitchiwitch Sue when they've got a chip on their shoulder, because this Oringinal Charachter sure as hell does. A Bitchiwitch Sue is usually in Slytherin, is a misunderstood Goth/Emo, listens to an "enchanted" CD player, bitches at people and has a terrible attitude, yet manages to get every boy at Hogwarts to want to get into her little black bondage pants. Bitchiwitch is one of the most annoying charachters a Suthor can write: Bitchiwitch Sues are mean, hatefull and are generally ass holse who, in a cannon story, would get the crap beaten out of them for being such a jerk. Common Bitchiwitch names are Ravyn, Katrina, Kat, Ashlee/Ashleigh and even, *snort* Belladonna.
Bitchiwitch Sue: Hey, fuck you and your stupid rules, Snape! You can't tell me what to do in your own class room! I'll wear what I want and I'll be pissed if I want because my parents died and I'm Emo and angsty and depressed and sa-
Readers, the class & Snape in unison:
63๐ 19๐
Tootsitramp is one of the four founders/houses in a Suethor's rendition of Hogwarts. When a Suethor creates a 14 year old sex goddess that makes every boy want her and every girl supremely jealous of her, that damned Suethor has created a Tootsitramp. If you're a boy, you want her. If you're a girl, you envy her with every fiber of your being until it comsumes you and you lash out at her for being so pretty...and if you're Hermione, Tootsitramp will beat you at any and all academics. This special breed of Mary Sue is most commonly known for turning every character in the HP fandom completely OOC (Out Of Character). Common Tootsitramp names are Candy, Candy, Mandy, Bridgette, Bella, Britney and Kristie.
Tootsitramp Sue: Oh, professor!
61๐ 7๐
Definition Wars. When two or more people get into a fight by submitting definitions, going back and fourth as to weather the subject is good or bad. This stupidity oftin occurs surrounding the following:
- Someone nobody knows and nobody cares about(besides the people involved)
- Some nearly non-existant town (known only to the people involved)
- Two rivaling schools that no one's ever heard of (somewhere in the middle of butt-fucking NOWHERE Wisconsin).
Def. Wars oftin go something like this:
Idiot #1: Kristin is the sexiest, hottest chicka evah!!!11 She'z the shit and she's cool and she's hot!!!
Idiot #2: Kristin is a filthy whore who be alwayz spreadn't hur legz n shit! Kristin needs to die from an STD
Idiot #3: I'm gonna kill the person who posted the thing about my gurrl.
Idiot #1: Kristin is the most beautoful, cute girl who know more than ypu ever will!
Idiot #2: Kristin is a filthy skank, period.
Idiot #3: OMGWTFBBQ!!!! Lyke!!!1
22๐ 6๐
Emma "Twatson" is one of the more vulgar nick names a person dubs one British "actress" Emma Watson. Usually, only the most hateful of anti-Emma Watson persons are liable to use this name.
Anti-Emma #1: Urgh, look it's that one what's-her-bimbo on TV. What's hername? Ellen Dotson? Emma Twatson?
Anti-Emma #2: Yeah, the later of the two....
Rabid Fan Girl: OMG!!!!11! Yur al sooooo jealouzof hur! Emmaz teh prettiest, hottest gurl evah! Eleventy!One!!! Lyk OMG!!!
Anti-Emmas in unison: STFU
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Colin Farrell, Cillian Murphy and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. A sandwich most satesfying....
Need I say more?
A twist on The Irish Sandwich is The Irish Sandwich with Canadian Bacon: Colin Farrell, Cillian Murphy, JRM and Hayden Christensen.
There is an extreme shortage of the Irish Sandwich in our world....
That's why the Gods created Fannon!
FanGirl #1 "One Irish Sandwich, coming up -"
FanGirl #2 "Oy! Add a slice of Canadian Bacon, will ya?"
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