Source Code


Pop-up Overhead Detonator

A hidden antipersonnel device designed to spring 14 feet when its proximity sensor registers movement within 20 feet of its position. At the apex of its trajectory, it will detonate, showering an area of approximately 120 metres square with flechettes designed to penetrate soft targets such as unarmoured vehicles and personnel.

"Those POD deployed out there should keep those pesky guerrilla raiders away for at least tonight."

by Peezee-Ark October 5, 2003

10πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Death & Destruction

An euphemism for calling in artillery or air strike onto an enemy position

"This is Dancer One, we need some D&D dumped on sector three-seven! I want a mix of cluster munitions, mixed with Willie Pete, now!

by Peezee-Ark October 5, 2003

27πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


The flesh of the puffer fish, which is considered a delicacy in Japan. However, since puffer fish also store a potent neurotoxin (Tetrodotoxin) in its organs (but not its flesh), if not prepared properly, eating of fugu can lead to death.

"I really want to try fugu. It's a considered quite a delicacy in Japan."

"Yeah, you mean just like Hentai tentacle porn?"

by Peezee-Ark October 5, 2003

72πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A bus filled with C4 explosives and ball bearings

"In the news today, a bangbus was driven into the Spanish embassy at Baghdad, killing six and wounding thirty seven..."

by Peezee-Ark October 5, 2003

123πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž


1. A New Zealand orignated rock band that changed their name to 'Pacifier' post-9/11 because 'Shihad' sound a bit like 'Jihad' and apparently some people are very sensitive about that.

2. Like a Jihad, but with more women involved

Well-known songs by Shihad include "My mind's sedate", "The General Electric" and "Wait & See"

by Peezee-Ark October 5, 2003

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Chocolate cake so good that it makes you have an orgasm eating it.

"Let's go to that restaurant where I heard they serve Merovingian for desert. I want to get me some of that!"

by Peezee-Ark October 5, 2003

23πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


1. A fast-food style corporate coffee chain.

2. The male of a very unusual and elusive species of deer. Alleged to have various mystical properties

1. Is this coffee from Starbucks? I thought so, it taste pretty damn good! Just like bathwater!

2. Did you hear about Josh Mallone's hunting trip? He shot this starbuck with a .22, but the bullet just bounced straigh off its head and it ran off before disappearing into thin air like a smoke cloud!

by Peezee-Ark October 5, 2003

12πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž