He is very old and is bold. He invented the Wanlodica and smacks and smashes Chanel bags whenever he sees it. His Putonghua is extremely bad and he breath sticks a lot. His girlfriend is a new teacher at LSC (YOU-KNOW-WHO)
She is the most beautiful teacher in the whole wide Universe. She spends one third of her lifetime buying Chanel bags as they are too :u GLY. So many students and people love her and she has too many boyfriends.
Jennes Chan uses one second of her lifetime sleeping.
15👍 4👎
Brawl Stars is a Supercell Game that is very hot among teens and kids. You will get angry when playing in high trophies ranches and keep swearing at the pros. It is very hard to win and you will definitely break your phone. Brawl stars has the worst Wifi of any mobile games and it often "Red Wifi".
OH Did you swear when playing brawl stars