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Pendejada (Spanish - noun, singular) - Idiocy. Foolishness. Nonsense. Something that is asinine, stupid, absurd or a waste of time.

Friend1: "Dude, check out my spinner. I can stop it with my teeth!"
Amigo2: "Ay dumbass. Forget that pendejada and let go talk to those chicks over there"

by PenguinMeat July 24, 2017

45👍 7👎

Professional Ghosting

1. (noun)- A situation when customer service, job recruiters, sales people and any organization whose job is to provide a professional and timely response, do not reply to their customer's communication and do so continuously without any justifiable reason. Generally, the customer or second party has much at stake in continuing the conversation.

2. (verb) : The act of consciously avoiding professional communication with anther party in situation where fear, laziness, disregard, contempt, or other negative reasons create a non-response. Subsequently, time and money was lost by either party.

Also: (noun) "Professional Ghoster"

Job Recruiter 1 - "Hey, what's up with the Professional Ghosting on all those job seekers?"
Job Recruiter 2 - "Eh, don't worry. They are the ones that need the jobs. They'll call back - he he he."

by PenguinMeat September 27, 2019

Salto del Tigre

(Spanish) Literally "Tiger's Jump". A spectacular feat of acrobatics, marksmanship and nerve where a man jumps off a clothes bureau or high space, fully erect and lands on a woman that is on her back with her legs open, penetrating her in one shot.

Amigo 1: I saw Juan in a wheelchair the other day with tears in his eyes - what happened?
Amigo 2: Oh that fucker tried 'el Salto del Tigre' on his new lady and was off by a few inches. Juan is a Juana now.

by PenguinMeat October 16, 2017

20👍 2👎