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Delaware girl

A girl that:
1. Thinks that ALL guys want her
2. Thinks shes reallyyyy hot
3. Dresses sleezy
4. No style, just the same jeans and fried hair every day.
5. Acts ghetto
6. Can NOT live without her phone
7. They always have to be with a possey of friends
8. Love Sallies dances where they can hook up with lots of guys
9. Doesn't understand that guys don't hook up on the first day because they like you, they hook up because they want to get in your pants
10. Has a profile picture of themselves that is slutty

Ugh...Amy thinks that just because she texted Matt for 2 whole days, they have a thing. And she is seriously obsessed with wearing tight jeans and uggs to school. What a "Delaware girl"....

by Pennsylvania Girl January 2, 2011

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