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Temple Mall

A dying mall in Temple Texas. Two of the four anchor locations are dead. The food court has three locations open and decidedly non mall type businesses such as a tatto and piercing parlor and nail saloon have occupied space.

The decline of the Temple Mall signifies the death of Generation X.

The Temple Mall Security guards all seem depressed.

by Pepper Hudson August 5, 2018


When Tom Yawkey owned the Boston Red Sox the team was occasionally called the Yawkeys.

The Yankees outhit the Yawkeys 16 to 12.

by Pepper Hudson June 21, 2023

Balcony Empire

A term for Fascist Italy when it was ruled by Mussolini. It refers to his preference for standing in the raised exterior balcony of an historical building when making a speech.

Italy wants to be an empire but all its become is an empire of balconies, a balcony empire

by Pepper Hudson June 21, 2023


When the Philadelphia Athletics were owned by Connie “Mack” Mcgiilicuddy they were occasionally referred as the McGillicuddys in news reports at the time.

The Yankees outhit the McGillicuddys 16 to 12.

by Pepper Hudson June 21, 2023


In the Army it’s the 11 series Infantry , some 12 series, Combat Engineers, 13 series Field Artillery and 19 series Armored Armored Crewmen. Some 18 series Special Forces Operator, but they are too highly trained to be a grunt. In combat engineers if you carry detonation cord and a chainsaw or do road clearance you’re a grunt, if you drove a bulldozer or build schools you’re not a grunt. Young infantry noobs try to claim grunt for their own but old timers know it’s almost all combat arms. Army Aviators are combat Arms also, but while the job can be incredibly dangerous the frequency of hot showers and contracted chow available at airfields means no grunt for you. 19k Cavalry scout used to be Grunts when the army had Armored Cavalry Regiments , but since those were transformed into Cavalry in name only infantry regiments the cav scouts grunt status is up for review.

Tell those nasty grunts to take a shower before they come to the dining facility, sorry we closed 15 seconds ago you dirty grunts should learn to be cleaner. Stop hitting me with your big grunt fists.

by Pepper Hudson October 30, 2020

10👍 7👎

Party Pump

A woman with low self esteem who allows herself to be passed around and used sexually by multiple men at a party. Typically no sexual act is off limits or too gratuitous and there is no limit on the amount of partners she for the party pump

After her husband abandoned for being barren, Heidi quickly went from being an easy lay at the local watering hole to being known by the men as the town party pump, and cum dumpster. A woman who would drop to her knees, get on her back or spread her holes on command . Soon groups of drunken frustrated men would show up at her apartment unannounced for easy sex, she would never refuse them and they would fuck her, cum in her while eating her food and drinking her booze. Eventually one master became her owner, dressed her like a whore and sold her on the streets of a nearby big city. There she spent her life, sucking off strangers in alleys, gett8ng into unfamiliar cars and going to seedy motels to be used like trash and abandoned

by Pepper Hudson April 23, 2020