adjektive for something or someone that is annoying, mad, salty, tilted, unpleasant and so on
person A : Bro our teacher is so zraunig today
person B : IKR
Zraunig, adjektive for when someone is annoying, unpleasing, mad or anything else that fits these.
Random 1 "Dudeeeee have you seen Gerald today?"
Random 2 "Yeah dude he's so zraunig"
zraunig (a german surname of a teacher that i hate) describes a person that is always mad, annoying or just unpleasant
Person a : yo bro have u seen that dude hes really zraunig
Person b : yeah bro why is that guy so zraunig today?
Nogger other word for nigger also german icecream
Person 1 in voicechat : Stop spawn killing u nogger
Person 2 in voicechat : LOL