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Probably the most critizced age in history. Despite what you hear, they are not truly teenagers, as they are still in middle school, and cannot get a job, have a myspace, have plastic surgery other than for serious issues, vote(if they live in california), drive(in some states) or have it not be "inappropriate" to watch tv-14 until they are 14.
While many are total dumbasses, they are not all bad. I mean when I was 13 and about 9 or so months I was capable of knowing right from wrong, and didnt let myself conform to anything. But then again, that was late in my 13 and perhaps I grow too fast...so yeah in general almost all 13 year olds dont know what the fuck their talking about. Sure they can go on most websites now, but thats nothing, they might as well lower the age to 10.

IM 13!!! Im invincible!!!!!!!!!!

by Perri C. October 13, 2006

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