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National Blue Beret, aka NBB for acronym-inclined individuals, is the form of "fun" in which members of a secretly open organization to the public do random summer things and string them together. This cadet activity includes Operation Thirst (THANK YOU!), free shows which have featured comedians such as Jeff Dunham, flight-line marshalling many planes, volleyball, poking fun at the first year rookies, finding signals that most people don't know even exist, and most of all, 17 days of life away from the world as it is known to be "civilized". Traditions include Tiger-Tails, the Rubber Chicken (and ensuing requirement to attain it), and the sorta exclusive GDB Ring.

Lol Jill, I was at NBB 4 2wks & i couldn't txt, i had a blast though!

oh yeaz, i forgotz about that.. i thought you were mad at me lol

by Perry Winnwet October 13, 2010

7👍 12👎


A state of being in which you are so excited that you poop

Dude 1: That's so hilarious!!
Dude 2: (Agreeing) So hilarious!! Oh... Uh...
Dude 1: Excicrement?
Dude 2: (Waddling to bathroom) Yeah...

by Perry Winnwet March 25, 2010

Spatulatory Rape

the common act of using a spatula while cooking to enter into something and/or separate it from sticking or to stir some mixture until the correct consistency is acquired for further steps in the cooking process, without the permission of inanimate objects because inanimate objects can't consent


to use the handle end of a spatula as a dildo without permission, often in place of using one's one penis or strap-on for a number of illogical reasons

Lucy: The only sex around here before eight is spatulatory rape, and that's only when I cook.

Mary: That's disappointing. You need to remind Joe of his Seduciary Responsibility .


Lucy: Oh! Yeah! Like that! Wait, what do I feel?

Joe: I heard from Mary's husband Bob that you like spatulatory rape, so I'm using the spatula instead since you like it so much.

by Perry Winnwet January 23, 2010