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A hack is a type of person, who in any sport, fouls (aka "hacks") other players incessantly. Hacks are usually slower, less able, and all around worse athletes than the people they play with. Hacks typically deny that they are hacking other players by quoting cliches such as "It's part of the game" or "Football is a physical sport", etc. Hacks also get into fights often, since they are fouling, and thus angering, other players, but denying the act. Hacks are also, ironically, the ones who call the most fouls, especially if you push/hack them back.

Person 1:"Man, every time I try to cut, he grabs my arm!"
Hack: "It’s a part of the game, football is a physical game you retard!"

::next play::

Hack: Man why did you push me! That’s a foul!"
Person 1: "You've been pushing and grabbing me all day! I don't want to hear that shit!"

A fight ensues.

by Pete Quinn September 16, 2006

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