1. A form of amnesia common among iPod and mp3 users. "Podnesiacs" have downloaded so many songs that they can't remember what's already on their device.
2. The mental condition that propels people to purchase (download) the same song more than once.
I think Tracy has Podnesia. She just downloaded "Last Train to Clarksville" for the third time in six months.
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1. The banning of all Blackberry smart phones by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Republic starting in late July 2010.
Because Blackberries use data encryption for transmitting text over the airways, the security forces of those two countries can't "monitor" e-mail traffic from them. Afraid that anti-government forces will use Blackberries for nefarious purposes, they simply banned the devices entirely. Other authoritarian countries are expected to follow suit. Welcome to the 21st century!
Don't bring your new phone to Dubai, man. They just announced a complete Blackberry Ban. You could end up jail -- or worse.
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1. The act of banning any Taliban member from a specific area or activity.
Examples include: Crossing a border, entering a city, serving on a tribal committee or boarding an airplane. In some cases, local governments are trying to recruit ex-Taliban members into the fold, providing a way out from "Talibanishment."
2. The continuing effort by Pakistani and Afghani officials to eliminate Taliban violence by labeling specific individuals or groups as terrorists.
3. An extremely difficult task.
Mustafa won't be coming to Lahore for the soccer game next week. He's been Talibanned.
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1. Cash that's urgently needed (usually by a teenager) to purchase additional cell phone minutes. 2. The reason why pre-paid cell phones are so cheap.
"Dad! I need some Minute Money so my girlfriend can text me after the party tonight."
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1. An avowed atheist who (secretly) turns to prayer during times of serious illness, extreme danger or personal crisis.
2. The theological equivalent of a strict vegetarian who will eat a steak sandwich (on the sly) when facing extreme hunger.
3. A way of "covering all your bases" during an emergency.
Becky says she doesn't believe in God, but she's really a Praytheist. After she was diagnosed with lymphoma, she started praying again in private.
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1. A new form of capitalism that emphasizes government intervention in the economy to rescue and restructure large companies that are deemed "too big to fail" because of the systemic risk they pose to the nation.
2. The opposite of Marxism, which anticipates the collapse of the entire capitalist system and the seizure of all "means of production" -- healthy companies included.
3. An economic system that prevents large, poorly managed companies from destroying the entire country.
Obama has been called a "socialist," but history will show he's really a clever student of "Neocapitalism."
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1. "Snow Leopard" is the nickname of Kwame Nkrumah-Acheampong, the first Olympic skier from the nation of Ghana. He became a world media sensation in 2010 when he qualified to ski in the Vancouver Olympic Games.
Kwame, 31, grew up in Accra, Ghana, where the average temperature is about 79 degrees F and it has never snowed during his lifetime. He learned to ski only six years ago at artificial snow dome in Milton Keynes, England, where he previously worked as a receptionist.
Despite having no sponsors and very little money, he was able to represent Ghana in the men's slalom event thanks to the generosity of friends and relatives. His special "Snow Leopard" pin became the hottest item in Vancouver as athletes from around the world raced to snap them up. (Only 1,500 were made.)
A father and animal lover, he has a small foundation devoted to the preservation of actual snow leopards in Africa.
2. A very cool guy who knows how to ski very fast.
3. The pride of Africa in this year's Winter Olympics.
I'm flying to Vancouver to see "The Snow Leopard" compete in the men's slalom event. Bang those gates, baby!
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