The Colombia Effect is a theory that suggests Colombian women have a superior convincing ability to make a man like them.
Guy: "I dont know what it is about that colombian girl I started dating, but I fell for her."
Friend: "Dude its the Colombia Effect"
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The most powerful handgun in the world.
Combat simulation: A skirmish in a hallway between 2 men. Person 1 has a Glock 9mm with a 17 round clip. Person 2 has a MODEL 500 S&W MAGNUM REVOLVER . The problem is, Person 2 only has one bullet, no big deal.
So Person 1 begins shooting at Person 2 down the hallway. Pa pa pa pa pa pa.. The 9mm sounding like someone ate some beans now farting. Person 2 (hiding behind a wall) then begins to think how he will take this guy out...
1.) I can aim for the opening, and when he steps out I will blow him away.. na too risky with 1 bullet.
2.) I can throw the bullet at him, and since the bullet is so heavy it would knock him out. na Im not a pitcher.
3.) I can shoot towards him, and the sound which is so loud would permanently make him deaf. na thats not nice.
4.) I got it! Hes hiding behind 3 inches of concrete(nothing for the 500), I will xray aim, shoot through the concrete and see what happens.
... so He xray aims and shoots, and hears 2 things hit the ground. So Person 2 walks over and sees what has been done. The bullet went through the concrete and cut him horizontally in half. His upper and lower body lay there.
So ladies and gentlemen, thats why you should make the effort to have the 500 as your conceal carry.
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