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A cult mainly of people who used to masturbate 5 times a day to porn and now abstain from fapping altogether.
Ignorant of the fact that there is a middle ground between the two extremes of either not fapping at all or doing it 10 times a day, or that you don't need porn to masturbate and that it can be a pleasant experience when not taken to the extreme.

They believe their life is ruined when they "relapse", that is, to break their streak of days without "PMO" (Porn-Masturbation-Orgasm), and that abstaining will give you powers such as: confidence, a deeper voice, enhanced muscle growth, a presence that will attract females and so on. Of course, you'd lose them if you relapse.

Mostly based on anecdotal evidence found on /r/nofap.
There are studies to this, for example "A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men." by Zhejiang University, that can be summarized as follows: On the 7th day after abstaining, there is a peak in testosterone levels with an average 45% increase of the base level. The day after, it quickly drops back to normal and doesn't reach a peak anymore.

"Hey guys, I did NoFap for 12403 days now, and today a girl gave me her number. NoFap totally works!"

"Today, I relapsed after 46 days and I can see the results already. I feel weak, tired and lost my confidence. Do NOT EVER relapse!"

by Peterbok August 4, 2018

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