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A negative adjective, similar to grody. Used to indicate when something is gross or undesirable.

Remember that one sex scene in Requiem For a Dream? That was grody-flag.

by Peterwebb August 17, 2008

1👍 2👎


According to HBO's The Wire, a shipment of drugs to be distributed by slingers.

Bodie: Yo, It appears we need a new package to sell to our customers, the fiends. Or perhaps a re-up would serve.
Poot: A point well made, fine chap.

by Peterwebb August 17, 2008

132👍 102👎


When you want to say cool with more syllables and meaning.

Guy1: I have herpes!
Guy2: Sucks to be you!
Guy3: I have tickets to the Weezer concert!
Guy2: Mondo-Coolio!

by Peterwebb August 17, 2008

4👍 1👎