A formal greeting used in American workplaces. First identified on the 13th of July on Reddit when a user asked what "Chumungus" meant when their coworkers kept greeting each other as such.m
Office Peon: Chumungus, boss!
Associate Vice President of Facilities, aka "Supervisor": Chumungus to you!
An extremely small penis. Smaller than even the yoctopenis. Said to be indistinguishable from the quarks making up baryonic matter.
Dude 1: I hate my micropenis! No girl will want to blow it. ;(
Dude 2: Relax. At least itâs not a rontopenis, nor a quectopenis
Dude 3: Some have all the luck in the world while others have none of it.
The smallest possible penis according to the current set of SI prefixes, smaller than even the rontopenis. A quecto penis is to a penis what a penis is to a quettapenis, making it one of the smallest objects in the known universe. Not even God Almighty can save a poor soul with a quectopenis.
Dude 1: What is it? Is my son okay?
Dr. Dingleberry: He would be, yes, but I'm afraid he has a quectopenis. We need to graft a proper penis over it to ensure he can urinate correctly.
Dude 1: FUCK!