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Irish acronym for Big, Ignorant, Fucker, From, England
Pronounced as 'Biffey'

(Irishman from across bar)

by Phboy March 19, 2017

Special Snowflake

Pretty much the kind of person who calls others Special Snowflakes when noone agrees with them.

"Stop being such special snowflakes" -The special snowflake.

by Phboy June 12, 2020


The irreligious belief that works like a religion without a god but is instead focused on the present welfare of other people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity,culture or any other calharacteristic creating any group of people

Most humanists are usually people who are atheists but can also be religious

Christian dinner: " thanks god for my food *so on so fourth* amen"

Humanist dinner: (in mind) "man the farmer must have worked hard for this produce we must be very grateful

Religious person who found out im an atheist: I thought all people who didn't believe I'm my god(s) where evil but you seem to have high morals, why?

Me: I'm a humanist I prefer to look at the present welfare of others rather than fear something that might not exist at all and tolerate people of all walks of life regardless because we're all people

by Phboy July 13, 2016

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