The greatest World War 2 movie (besides Schindler's list) ever. Tells the story of Easy Company. Based on the novel of the same name by Stephen Ambrose. Really fucking good.
Band of Brothers is the greatest miniseries ever.
56👍 30👎
Bush has so many bad qualities. Hmmm...where should I start? Well, he's a retard. He's a crazy Uber Nazi Hick Christian Dumbass. He responded to 9/11 by blowing up Iraq. For those of you who don't know..Iraq did not attack the U.S. It was Al-Queda. Osama and Saddam had nothing to do with each other, in fact they hated each other. Bush is a hipocritical bastard who started a war because someone tried to kill his poor daddy. Anyone who likes Bush is a fucker who needs to have their balls/clitoris cut off. Bush wants to ban gay marriage because it's against the Bible. Bush wants to ban abortion because he says it's murder. Bush turned the trillion dollar surplus Clinton left us with into a trillion dollar deficit; the Iraq War has cost us over 2.7 trillion dollars. Bush has destoyed the seperation of church and state. He also established the Patriot Act which has violated the rights of thousands of people because their skin is darker. Bush did manage to create the No Child Left Behind Act, but he managed to fuck that up too. The No Child Left Behing Act is grossly underfunded. In short, Bush is the reason why everybody hates us and he will end world peace as we know it. Bush will be the death of us all.
George W. Bush's evil is rivaled only by Hitler and Satan, if you believe in him.
581👍 327👎
A man who explodes his semen into womans vagina
I just had an Olley ~ Mia Khalifa
9👍 8👎
The biggest group of douche bag, retards the world has ever seen. They "spread the word of God" by burning their religious symbol and killing people. Wasn't one of the ten commandments: "Thou shalt not kill"? Aren't members of the KKK disobeying the ten commandments and, therefore, earning themselves a spot in Hell? That's because they are hick dumbasses who hate blacks, Jews, gays, and basically anyone who is not white and christian. they probably hate handicapped people too. There should be an international movement to eradicate all the hick bastards in the KKK. I'm serious. If God is all he's cracked up to be he should make an exception the the ten commandments because the KKK really needs to be eradicated.
The KKK should be destroyed cause it sucks.
56👍 238👎
Clinton may not have been that great, but he was WAY better than bush Sr. or Jr.
Clinton is kind of a dumbass, but he's better than Bush. Bush is a complete dumbass.
39👍 88👎