A Tinger, neither a ginger or a non-ginger. They simply have a touch of ginger. It can be detected either by the genetic disposition of reddish freckles or within their hair, typically in the months between winter and summer as this is the transition phase between brown, dirty blonde or blonde highlights within said hair. Tingers have a lower risk of breeding Ginger babies but a high risk of breeding Tinger babies.
Tingers have all the negatives of being ginger for a short period of time every year. However, they also have all the positives of not being a Ginger for the raminder of the year.
Being a Tinger is better than being a Ginger, but not as good as not being a Ginger at all.
Just a touch of it after all.
Lad 1: thank god its almost summer.
Lad 2: pitty you're a Tinger though.