A TV show about a guy named Shawn who fakes being a psychic (he has a near perfect memory) to avoid going to jail and ends up working as the Santa Barbara police station psychic.
Lassitor (Lassie)
Psych quotes:
Shawn: Good morning, detectives. Collecting Money for the Policeman's ball?
Lassie: We don't have balls.
Shawn: ... I honestly don't have a response to that.
Shawn: Remember, Dad. Treat a woman like a person, then a princess, then a goddess, then a person again.
Shawn: Gus, don't be exactly one half of a black forest ham.
Shawn: How can you tell someone's a compulsive liar? Well, apart from their pants being on fire.
Shawn: Gus, don't be a rabid porcupine.
Shawn: Gus, don't be an incorrigible Eskimo pie with a caramel ribbon.
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