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That’s how you pronounce English (e-an-glish) not in-g-lish because inglish doesn’t even make sense pfffft

How to pronounce English? You pronounce English like (e-an-glish). I’m reading in eanglish

by Pinksparkles June 4, 2021


“Hand sanitizer “ it doesn’t even make sense to pronounce it like that

It’s pronounce hanitizer

Can I borrow some hanitizer so I won’t get sick

by Pinksparkles June 4, 2021


Deffended means your offended

I’m deffended because my friend called me a brat

by Pinksparkles June 4, 2021


Unpatient means the opposite of patient when you annoyed and not calm any more

I’m get unpatient of waiting in this long line

by Pinksparkles June 4, 2021