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A chav consists of a simple sum:~
hair scraped back, + tight trousers/dangerously short skirt/tracksuit + tight top, (if girl showing alot of clevage) + attitude problem + big gold earings/necklaces and rings (covering every finger so its almost impossible to pick anything up)= female chav

short blond or bleached blond spiky hair + attitude problem + limited voacb consisting of: 'safe', 'innit', 'ya startin?' and 'mint' + one ear pierced with a earing rather than a stud + a few gold rings + socks pulled over their trousers, of their trousers roled up (anything to be noticed) = male chav

Any other group of individuals is advised to stick in bigs numbers, as there is the 4 on 1 rule. a chav will not start unless there is four of them to anyone they're fighting. Just shows how pathetic they are.

by Pinky Mcpea January 9, 2004

1474👍 421👎